Lewisburg, WV – In an effort to help local businesses, the Greenbrier County Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is offering their Rack Card Co-op Program and the due date is soon approaching. The CVB worked with a printer to provide 5000 rack cards for $250 or 10,000 for $360. Depending on the quantity ordered, each piece can be less than $0.04.
Rack cards are an essential marketing tool for all businesses. They put the company’s information directly in the consumer’s hands. They are great for price and activity lists, menus and events. Rack cards can be used for special mailings or distributed through other business partners.
To participate in the July rack card program, a contract needs to be filled out and returned to the CVB by Friday, June 5. The contract is available on the CVB website at greenbrierwv.com/tourism_partners/cards. Click on the July Contract link to download. A contract can also be obtained by emailing the CVB Marketing Manager, Beth Gill at bgill@greenbrierwv.com.